Paving the way for people’s future with visionary technology
Since our founding, we have been working to realize the ideal state of business activities and human society. We develop and promote technologies for shaping thoughts, actions, and systems to “support people’s creative activities.
Democratisation of knowledge generation mechanisms
The democratisation and dissemination of the means to promote creative and constructive design will give new meaning to people’s social activities.
Promoting awareness and understanding of an expanding and diverse world through ‘virtual’ mean未来を創造
Hypothesis testing, system design and decision support through predictions of selectable futures知見の共創
Supporting activities that co-create people’s accumulated experience through collaboration
ICT and network technologies have the potential to revolutionize society, just as the steam-powered industrial revolution did. We believe that ICT will bring real change to business and society in the coming era.

Message from the President
Supporting people’s creative activities
Since our founding, we have been conducting research and development and providing products and services from the unique perspective of “supporting human creative activities. Prior to our founding, we had conducted research on recognition technology, artificial intelligence, and automation technology at universities and manufacturing companies, but through our business activities and contemplation of what human society should be like, we came to the conclusion that “improving efficiency through technology and replacing human activities are not the essence of science and technology.
Rather, we felt strongly that our goal should be to focus on meaningful human activities, accelerate them, and realize technology that generates new ideas and inspiration and allows creativity to flourish.
To achieve this, we need technology that can clearly demonstrate “direction” and “feasibility”. We also believe that it is our responsibility to disseminate these technologies as a mechanism for innovation in the business world, which is why we founded our company.
We not only develop functions and provide products, but also explore the essential value of each industry and company through cooperation and consulting activities, and work to realize them as value-creating systems in the business process.
The use of ICT has long been required, but it is still limited to primitive operations such as computing, data storage, and data exchange. The potential of networking has only just begun to be realized. The era of creative activities by people who have gained overwhelming power through advanced use of technology is about to begin.
Our society and the people who make it up are diverse, deep, complex, and full of converging ideas. Through the mechanisms provided by Lexar Research, we hope to help foster a society where people can envision, share, and create as much of their “ideal future” as possible.

About Symbols and Marks
This symbol mark is an attempt to express LEXER’s concept of “what it should be”.
By their very nature, things and events contain a multitude of meanings. There is no clear and absolute meaning. It is the point of view, the situation, the context, the purpose, the experiential background and the will to actively engage that determines the meaning.
Existence is not a disconnected representation, but a highly relational and dynamic thing that can only be glimpsed, developed, and unraveled by giving it a relationship to unfold its contained meaning while at the same time encompassing diversity. In other words, it is in the movement, dialog, oscillation, pulsation and swaying of the field of relation to the expression that semantic value is generated.
This symbol is an attempt to write a concept and an intention to pursue this diversity of semantic frames and the ‘field’ of relations to them.
We believe that the significance of technology is not only to provide high value-added services and convenience, but also to foster a social environment in which individuals can actively work on the basis of mutual understanding by clarifying their own self-awareness and meaning of existence in relation to society through their own self-expression. We believe that this is the only way to create a social environment in which individuals can actively engage in social activities based on mutual understanding.

Origin of the company name “LEXER
The etymology of the word LEXER is “lexicon”. In other words, the Latin word “lexicon” means “a framework of concepts”. It means “meaning, law, or standard” and describes a “lexicon” as a container for the individual words that make up our conception of the world.
A dictionary defines and stores the words that make up our thoughts. As we have evolved, humans have expanded our natural language (spoken and written) and non-natural language (body language such as gestures and facial expressions). Gestures, hand movements, body language and eye contact are also important “languages”. However, in the cyber-world that people who have lived in the physical world now face, not only is conventional language insufficient for expression, but a new cyber-world “language” is required.
Just as humans have expanded their “language” through evolution from words based on the six senses (including the now lost telepathy) to spoken words, symbols, written words, and logical instruction systems such as program codes and work instructions, new words will be sought and accumulated in the cyber world. New words are sought and built in the cyber world. Through the expansion of these new words, humanity will continue to create “knowledge” and evolve.
LEXER aims to create a “new dictionary” that accepts the “words” that constitute human thought, and as its name suggests, the essence of LEXER is to provide an engineered semantic framework for concepts and ideas as a “dictionary”. To achieve this, we are constructing a new concept representation system for “words” using a mechanism supported by technology.