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- Business
Business Process Innovation with Virtual Technology on creating new value through business process innovation.
In addition to our products, we help create new value by providing engineering support and consulting services to drive business process innovation through virtualization.
Green Strategy and InnovationOvercoming the decarbonization problem and the industrial transformation. -
Environmental Responsiveness and EconomyDifficulty in dealing with conflicting management issues -
Designing for Carbon NeutralityTechnology for environmental impact decoupling -
Technologies for Environmental Impact DecouplingOptimization through cyber engineering. -
Innovation of CO2 emission calculation method -
Smart GHG SystemImprovement of primary data ratio by CPS -
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Model Demonstration ProjectMethodological studies related to the development of product CFP guidelines. -
Green CPS ConsortiumExpansion into industry-government-academia collaboration activities.
Product Overview
We provide products to promote business process innovation through Virtual. We support DX in a wide range of areas, from production simulation and optimization systems to OT systems for business operations.

Modeling tools
GD.findi MS
Simulation & Modeling Graphical editing tool to set up computer models for production simulation.
Engineering Series
GD.findi SCM
Chain Management planning and simulation Systems that respond to dynamic supply chain fluctuations and optimize various parameters.
GD.findi GHG
Green House Gas emission process emulation System to derive CO2 emissions and productivity indices from production activity volumes.
SIM(Simulation Integrated Manufacturing) Series
MRP-linked production planning and scheduling. A system that addresses inconsistencies between MRP and production planning, and reestablishes and optimizes production planning.
Digital twin for manufacturing and human affairs. System for integrated management of large- and medium-schedule production plans and instruction-level small-schedule production plans.
Development Platform
Development Platform for Simulation and Optimization Platform for building business applications, including simulation optimization.
Product OverviewSee More